Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Prepare Your Cooling System for Spring

March may be going out more like a lion than a lamb, but rest assured warmer weather is right around the corner. This makes it the perfect time to start planning for spring and getting your home ready. Air-conditioning is a large part of most annual energy costs and, by scheduling some simple preparation now, you can realize significant savings on future utility bills. You'll also have the peace of mind knowing that your air-conditioning system is working properly before you need it. To ensure that your family will be comfortable when the heat arrives, Ross Heating and Cooling recommends basic cooling system maintenance. A dirty air filter is one of the first things to check because it restricts air-flow. This makes your cooling system work harder and run longer, while increasing energy bills and reducing air-quality throughout the house. Prior to the start of the season, the filter should be replaced and a new one installed each month of the summer. After changing the filter, the entire cooling system should be cleaned and inspected by a licensed professional. An expert in heating and cooling, like Ross Heating and Cooling, can tell you if your air conditioning is ready for the season or if it needs repairs for safety and effectiveness.

There are other simple steps a homeowner can take to keep their house cool and energy-efficient during the spring and summer months. When it starts geting warm, take off storm windows and doors and put in screens. Being able to enjoy fresh air is one of the many pleasures of spring! Another way to reduce energy bills during the summer is to install a whole-house fan. It draws hot air out of the house and pulls cooler air in through open windows. People can also consider putting in individual ceiling fans in rooms to save money on air-conditioning. Ross Heating and Cooling recommends checking the windows and doors to ensure energy efficiency. They tell their customers to make sure air isn't leaking due to poor caulking and cracks. If your windows are old, think about replacing them with more up-to-date energy efficient ones. A rainy spring can lead to mold and mildew within a home, often from moisture leaks in the attic and basement. To prevent this from happening, find any leaks and have them well sealed. You may also want to install a dehumidifier in the basement in keep the area from getting too damp. If you have one side of the house which gets an excessive amount of heat, Ross Heating and Cooling points out that the early spring is an ideal time to add onto landscaping. Think about planting leafy trees and larger shrubs near the parts of the house which receive the most heat. While it make take a few years to fully realize the benefits, in time it'll pay let nature help cool your house.

For more energy-saving tips or to schedule your cooling systems maintenance, call ROSS Heating and Cooling at 740-548-4677.

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